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- Collection62
- Location4
- Photograph12160
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- Summer 2001-02 3
- Summer 2002-03 514
- Summer 2003-04 262
- Summer 2004-05 624
- Summer 2005-06 647
- Summer 2006-07 669
- Summer 2007-08 502
- Summer 2008-09 621
- Summer 2009-10 240
- Summer 2010-11 995
- Summer 2011-12 527
- Summer 2012-13 646
- Summer 2013-14 762
- Summer 2014-15 159
- Summer 2015-16 524
- Summer 2016-17 179
- Summer 2017-18 485
- Summer 2018-19 445
- Summer 2019-20 503
- Summer 2020-21 213
- Summer 2021-22 164
- Summer 2022-23 93
- Winter 2005 5
- Winter 2006 63
- Winter 2007 49
- Winter 2008 223
- Winter 2009 59
- Winter 2010 120
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- Winter 2013 200
- Winter 2014 67
- Winter 2021 1
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- Gord Macdonald 10
- Marie-Amande Coignard 12
- AHT 1818
- AHT Staff 168
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- Diana McCormack 68
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- Fiona Wills 26
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- Gene Wixson 47
- Gene Wixson 3
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- Georgina Whiteley 11
- Gord Macdonald 412
- Gordon Macdonald 53
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- Jaime Ward 196
- James Whittington/Brian Cunningham 4
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- Jana Stefan 29
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- Lucy Skinner 15
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- Marthe Brendefur 111
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- Martin Wenzel 3
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- Megan Absolon 5
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- Michael Morrison 169
- Mike Burgess 4
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- Murray Mitchell, Opus International 35
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- Nigel McCall 5
- Nigel Watson 192
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- Pip Cheshire 177
- Randy Churchill 169
- Rob McPhail 165
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- Sarah Bouckoms 9
- Shannah Rhynard-Geil 1
- Simon Lucas 4
- Sinéad Hunt 4
- Stefan Strittmatter 43
- Stefanie White 71
- Steve Brown 63
- Sue Bassett 101
- Susanne Grieve 79
- Sylvie Admore 10
- Ted Bugg 8
- Tegan Allpress 6
- Tom MacTavish 28
- Torbjøern Prytz 35
- Torbjørn Prytz 3
- Unknown 1
- William Pike 26
- Zack Bennett 19
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- High Resolution 220
- Hot Shot 1639
- Low Resolution 708
- Professional 60
- Public Portal 12154
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- Publication36
- Stories24
- Videos18
Shackleton’s Nimrod Hut
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Interior 125
- RSHRP Conservation 2004-2008 Conservation Work Details 150
- RSHRP Conservation 2004-2008 Hut Interior 313
- RSHRP Conservation 2004-2008 Hut Exterior 352
- RSHRP 2009-Present Conservation Work Details 112
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Exterior 84
- RSHRP 2009-Present Hut Interior 506
- High Profile Artefacts Shackleton’s Whisky 39
- RSHRP Conservation 2004-2008 General 41
- Hut Inspections 157
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation General 8
- RSHRP 2009-Present Hut Exterior 396
- High Profile Artefacts Shackleton’s Beer Barrel 5
- RSHRP 2009-Present General 123
Hillary’s TAE/IGY Hut
- RSHRP Conservation 2016-2017 Conservation Work Details 6
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Interior 56
- RSHRP 2018-Present Hut Inspections 72
- Hut Inspections 11
- Baseline Hut Images 45
- RSHRP 2018-Present General 1
- RSHRP 2018-Present Conservation Work Details 1
- RSHRP 2018-Present Hut Interior 38
- RSHRP Conservation 2016-2017 Hut Interior 43
- RSHRP 2018-Present Hut Exterior 2
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Exterior 13
- RSHRP Conservation 2016-2017 Hut Exterior 68
Scott’s Discovery Hut
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation General 65
- RSHRP 2016-Present General 8
- RSHRP 2016-Present Hut Exterior 45
- Hut Inspections 147
- High Profile Artefacts Salter Scales 10
- RSHRP Conservation 2014-15 Conservation Work Details 8
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Interior 239
- RSHRP 2016-Present Hut Interior 123
- RSHRP 2016-Present Conservation Work Details 2
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Exterior 120
- RSHRP Conservation 2014-15 Hut Interior 222
- RSHRP Conservation 2014-15 General 17
- RSHRP Conservation 2014-15 Hut Exterior 70
Scott’s Terra Nova Hut
- Hut Inspections 217
- RSHRP Conservation 2007-2012 General 385
- RSHRP Conservation 2007-2012 Hut Exterior 447
- RSHRP Conservation 2007-2012 Conservation Work Details 322
- RSHRP Conservation 2007-2012 Hut Interior 1032
- High Profile Artefacts Levick’s Notebook 10
- RSHRP 2013-Present General 107
- RSHRP 2013-Present Hut Exterior 284
- High Profile Artefacts Ross Sea Party Photos 24
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Exterior 462
- High Profile Artefacts Butter 3
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation General 32
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Interior 786
- RSHRP 2013-Present Conservation Work Details 47
- RSHRP 2013-Present Hut Interior 464
- High Profile Artefacts Atkinson’s Skis 4
- Wildlife 159
- Other Historic Sites 84
Cape Adare Huts
- RSHRP Conservation Conservation Work Details 37
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Interior 24
- High Profile Artefacts Fruitcake 3
- Hut Inspections 28
- RSHRP Conservation General 70
- RSHRP Conservation Hut Exterior 83
- High Profile Artefacts Wilson’s Watercolour 5
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation Hut Exterior 37
- Pre-RSHRP Conservation General 22
- RSHRP Conservation Hut Interior 141
Assets and Cargo
- Transport 137
- Cargo 23
- Tools and Equipment 31
- Containers, Labs, Huts, Field Camps 910
- Landscape 286
- Antarctic Bases 192
Shackleton’s Nimrod Hut
Events and Outreach
- Exhibitions 14
- Events 160
- Media on Ice 13
Inspiring Explorers™
- Inspiring Explorers Education™ 43
Inspiring Explorers Expeditions™
- 2022 - In the Footsteps of Hillary 49
- 2021 - In the Footsteps of Hillary 2
- 2018 - Greenland Ice Cap 112
- 2023 - South Georgia 250
- 2022 - Mahu Whenua Traverse 20
- 2022 - South Pole 186
- 2020 - Antarctic Peninsula 130
- 2019 - Antarctic Peninsula 44
- 2017 - Mount Scott, Antarctica 37
- 2015 - South Georgia Crossing 40
Young Inspiring Explorers™
- 2019 - Young Inspiring Explorers™ Summit 23
- 2021 - Young Inspiring Explorers™ Worsley Weekend 31
- 2023 - Young Inspiring Explorers™ Summit 31
- 2024 - Explorer Conference 28
- 2024 - Young Inspiring Explorers™ Summit 52
- 2022 - Young Inspiring Explorers™ Summit 27
- 2020 - Young Inspiring Explorers™ Worsley Weekend 38
- 2021 - Explorer Conference 14
- 2023 - Explorer Conference 9
- 2020 - Young Inspiring Explorers™ Summit 17
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